Sommerblut-Festival köln
PREMIERE — 09.05.2018
FURTHER DATES — 11.- 13.05.2018

Director: Stefan Herrmann
Dramaturgy: Nora Giese
Stage Design: Jan Patrick Brandt
Costume Design: Monika Odenthal
Sound/Lighting Design: Christian Herbert
Assistant Director: Olja Artes
Project Management: Felix Dornseifer
Assistant Project Management: Silvana Buchwald
Social Counsellor: Tomislav Marijan
Social Worker: Stefan Lehmann
Supervision: Gert Levy
Evaluation: Martina Schu
Video installation: Parisa Karimi
Sound installation: Falk Grieffenhagen

With an ensemble of actors, dancers and “everyday experts” from the respective interest groups.

DRUGLAND is not a fairytale forest. DRUGLAND is a trouble spot in the heart of Cologne. At the Neumarkt, the conflicts between drug addicts, dealers, residents, shop owners, law enforcement officers and social workers have inscribed themselves in the public space: DRUGLAND is at the same time shopping zone and drug hot spot, long-established residential area and no-go area, symbol of urban impoverishment, consumption and danger zone.

With an ensemble of professional actors and people from the various interest groups, the theatre project collects stories and positions of all participants and combines them into one big picture: Who determines the public space? Who shapes its rules? Whose voice is heard and who remains unheard? Who is visible and who is invisible? Who is able to defend himself, who is powerless?

DRUGLAND is an attempt to make conflicts visible and comprehensible with artistic means in the public space, to make them accessible to the senses and to dare to ask a question for the future: How is it possible to live together in one space?