Bühne in der Brotfabrik Bonn
PREMIERE — 27.01.2016

Director: Stefan Herrmann
Stage and Costume Design: Hedda Ladwig

Lucas Sánchez und mit den Flüchtlingen Tipet Baah (Ghana), Yazdan Bahadauri und Rahmatollah Rezaei (Afghanistan) sowie Bob Jara (Mali)

This project tells the story of Sinto Johann “Rukeli” Trollmann, who was the German boxing champion in 1933 and later murdered by the Nazis in a concentration camp. After the Nazis had deprived him of his championship title and he was on the run for years, he fought for Germany at the front in World War II. After three years in the Wehrmacht he was deported to the concentration camp where he had to fight show fights with SS officers. During one of these fights, Trollmann knocked out a SS-officer and was beaten to death the next day by the same overseer.

In addition to Trollmann’s story, young refugees, who have found temporary accommodation or a permanent home in Bonn, share their own biographical experiences. They tell stories of their personal struggles for survival, their values and their dreams for the future. In this way, the struggles for survival of the minorities during the Third Reich and the refugee crisis today is connected to a unified theatrical experience.